
Largeur de travail
1,20 - 2,20 m
10 - 25 cm

Le Combivigne est un ameublisseur combinable : il a été créé pour s’intercaler entre le tracteur et un outil tel qu’une herse rotative ou une fraise permettant ainsi de réaliser plusieurs opérations en un seul passage.

Restructuring without upheaval

The patented offset blade lifts the soil in a wave, creating a vertical crack. The lifting of the soil strip is homogeneous over the entire working width, and it is then redeposited without disrupting the horizons. This keeps the fertile elements, including organic matter, on the surface. The soil is so little disturbed that it is possible to ensure cracking and leveling of the soil, while keeping the grassing or cover in place.

Depending on the work required, whether it is cracking or decompacting, it is possible to equip the machine with the TCS 20×590 blade or the TCS 15×550 blade.

A combinable frame

The Combivigne has a frame that can be combined with a rear implement such as a rotary harrow. The articulated hitch system reduces the overhang and ensures depth adjustment by means of stop pins.

1,20 m 1,50 m 1,70 m 2,20 m
Poids (kg) 235 310 320 365
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