Pack Roller HD

Largeur de travail
6,30 to 9,30
Besoin de puissance pour tracter
99 to 180 ch

The HD roller pack is available in 6.30, 8.30, and 9.30 meters.
It can be used before and after harvest to accelerate the decomposition of straw and residues, as well as the germination of sown seeds, including weed seeds.

Serial specifications

  • 1. Section of Cambridge roller 5 arms Ø530
  • 2. 2 points toggling hitch cat.3
  • 3. Roller pins Ø60 mm
  • 4. Parking stands
  • 5. Wheels hold
  • 6. Hydraulic accumulator with pressure valve
  • 7. Frame with 3 hydraulic cylinder
  • 8. Transport wheels 400/60-15,5
  • 9. Rollers 3 sections
  • 10. Road-approved machinery without brakes (except 9,3 m with serial pneumatic brakes)
  • 11. LED working lights


  • Section of Cambridge roller – 3 arms for  Ø600
  • Section of Zig-Zag roller Ø530
  • Front cross-board  with hydraulic regulation and rigidification bar
  • Suspended bearing on rubber shock absorber instead of standard
  • Stone bin

The rollers to choose

Cambridge rollers Ø530 mm - 5 arms / Ø600 m - 3 arms

Designed for use before and after sowing, they level the ground, break up clods, improve seed-to-soil contact, which helps to standardize germination, retain moisture, reduce soil erosion, and improve soil structure.

Zig-Zag rollers Ø530 mm - 1 permanent and 1 floating section

The Zig-Zag roller improves soil structure, levels the ground, and breaks up clods. During rotation, the axle self-cleans due to the transverse movement of the rings relative to each other.


The folding and unfolding of the rollers can be done from the tractor cab without any additional maneuvering.

6,30 m 8,30 m 9,30 m
Power req. mini-maxi (hp) 99 - 130 140 - 150 160 - 180
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