BOSS mounted single row

Largeur de travail
3 to 9 m
25 cm / 33 cm
Besoin de puissance pour tracter
80 to 420 ch

The new BOSS mounted seeding range allows all farms to switch to direct seeding with a versatile solution.

Use BOSS seeding technology on a mounted machine while retaining all the advantages of our trailed range:

  • Share your front hopper and increase your profitability
  • Spread the load and harmonise your self-propelled seeding unit
  • Protect your soil

Why BOSS ?

In both Conservation Tillage System (TCS) and No-Till, the main concern is the difficulty of penetration. In dry conditions, there is a challenge in furrow closure, and in wet conditions, there is an issue of straw at the bottom of the furrow. Our inspiration comes from another disc seeder concept widely developed in Australia: the double-angled disc,
which addresses several issues.

BOSS or BOSS HD units : 2 choices to meet every need.

A redesigned unit

Optimal ground following thanks to the parallelogram, combined with gravity seed placement in the shadow of the disc.

For maximum performance

Optimal ground following thanks to the parallelogram, combined with gravity seed placement in the shadow of the disc.

In all conditions

Optimal ground following thanks to the parallelogram, combined with gravity seed placement in the shadow of the disc. The angled attack significantly reduces straw accumulation in the furrow, making closure easier.


A more compact unit while retaining the robustness of the original unit.

This compactness allows for mono-row mounting on a mounted frame with 15 cm of spacing.


The wide range of motion ensures consistent furrow opening regardless of terrain flatness. All parallelograms are equipped with cylinders, providing rapid responsiveness of the components.

The BOSS is capable of seeding in conservation tillage, No-Till, or conventional modes.


Intelligent depth and firming adjustment system: a unique EASYDEPTH setting point that adjusts the working depth using the 3” lateral control wheel.

This solution ensures consistent seeding, even at high speeds.


The pressure wheel is a crucial component of your seeding success. Its function is to effectively close the furrow and, in the case of the BOSS, control the working depth.

Seed placement quality

Positioned against the disc, the seed tube guides the seed all the way to the bottom of the furrow. Located in the shadow of the disc, it remains protected, ensuring the disc stays clean while limiting straw incorporation into the furrow. A carbide tip at its base enhances durability over time.

The option to couple a liquid application tube allows for optimized field operations.


Standard equipment, it removes all the air from the pneumatic transport, allowing the seeds to fall by gravity to the bottom of the
furrow to prevent bouncing.



When following a crop like wheat with chopped straw. The use of row cleaners is optional but it allows the owner of the drill to
choose which solution is correct on a given day, since no day is the same and no field is the same. They are controlled from the cabine.


The closing wheel has a very important job to do, if incorrectly chosen it can have detrimental effects on the emergence and yield.


Standard equipment, it removes all the air from the pneumatic transport, allowing the seeds to fall by gravity to the bottom of the furrow to prevent bouncing.


It ensures passage in the most challenging wet conditions.


The seedboot is placed in shadow of the disc. This allows excellent performance in wet sticky conditions. The seedboot is positioned to never touch the soil and such that the front of the disc is the only soil contact point. The wet soil is cleaned by an active scraper (the side wheel). The less static parts in contact with the soil results in far less risk of plugging/bunging. The concept allows for drilling in the same direction as last year’s corn rows. If you do not need to run at an angle to last year’s crop, there is a better chance of implementing practices such as CTF (controlled traffic farming). No angle generally means a smoother travel and better seed placement improving emergence and therefore yields.


Combination hoppers

DSF 1600

DSF 1600

DSF 2200

DSF 2200

small seed tank DS 200

DS 200/500

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BOSS trailed 3/4 m

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BOSS trailed 4/7,5 m

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BOSS 9/12 m

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